Spb Wallet questions & answers

Spb Wallet helps you store all of your passwords in one place
Question by Tom
January 17, 2022

deactivated smarzscreen tried CMD install, does noit work can you help?

Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

To install Spb Wallet on your PC, you can try the following steps:

  1. Download the installation file from the official Spb Wallet website.
  2. Locate the downloaded file on your computer.
  3. Double-click on the file to start the installation process.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
    If you have tried installing through the command prompt (CMD) and encountered issues, it may be helpful to provide more details about the error message or problem you are facing for further assistance.
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Question by Michael Mirsky
August 4, 2016

I purchased SPB Wallet for Android a long time ago. When I upgraded recently to Android 6.0, the data in the Wallet was missing the passwords, it just had part of the data.

So, I reloaded the program and data from a Titanium Backup. Now, it won't even launch saying that "This is not from the Market". It flashes for a second to the Play Market, but then immediately flashes back and says can't download.

Looks like, you do no longer have it on the Market? Help! I need the data in the wallet badly. Please tell me what to do. Maybe you can send me a new .apk file?

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Answer by Alex Urbach

According to various information found on specific websites, the Spb Wallet application is discontinued for a very long time. There have been other users with similar issues, but unfortunately, there was no way to overcome them.

As I recommended to other as well, LastPast is a known application that can work with all platforms available and besides that it's free and provides strong encryption for everything.

Of course, you can use an APK found through Google, but since you're storing passwords and sensitive data, I wouldn't try installing something off the Play Store.

As for the problem you're having, you will need to downgrade the phone's OS (which could damage it permanently) and use a 3rd party APK file that might be malware infected.

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Question by Alicia
July 8, 2015

SPB WALLET used to allow using concurrent task, but since I upgraded to IOS 7.2 it doesn't allow me anymore.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

The SPB Wallet application for iPhone doesn't appear to be updated anymore which means that new operating systems will have issues running it or the features offered by the application will stop working in the next versions of iOS (exactly your situation). For iOS applications, only the developers have the possibility of fixing eventual errors or bugs that might appear on the way.

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Question by John G
December 19, 2014

I am running Wallet on my iPhone 4s and iPad 2 second gen. I have upgraded to iOS 8.1.2 and the wallet has stopped functioning. Is this due to the iOS or do I have another issue to be worried about? When can we expect an upgrade of SPB Wallet?

Answer by Alex Urbach

This is mostly caused by the upgrade to iOS 8.1.2. There is no information about its update to support the latest version of the newly released iOS 8.1.2, but if it's a popular application, you will surely see its update sooner than you think. Make sure that the iPhone is connected to the Internet and the updates are set to be performed automatically.

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Question by Guest
December 19, 2014

Has there been any updates for SPB Wallet to enable it to run on iPhone running iOS 8+?
I have been using this app since it came out and I now have an iPhone 4S and iPad 2. it only started to misbehave after I loaded iOS 8.1.2.

Answer by Alex Urbach

You will actually have to wait for the developer to update the application because this is the only way. He might actually have to recheck and recode a few things within the application before distributing it via the Apple Store. Simply check back later. If this is a popular application, the developer should provide an update shortly.

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